Meet Feature Fortnight Winner #03 - Kimberley Watkins
Jul 07, 2022
Every fortnight at The Full House Club, we hold a photography challenge that all members can get involved in. The latest theme was to master PHONE REFLECTIONS and after everyone voted, we decided that the worthy winner was Kim Watkins and her reflection on his strawberry tunnel. Here is Kim's story in her words and images...
1) Tell us about you...
Hiya! I’m Kim and I live in a tiny country cottage in Kent, with my son who’s three, way too many animals and my partner Ryan.
2) What got you into photography?
My love for photography has always been there. I had hundreds of disposable cameras on the go, and I remember buying my first digital and having my mind blown! Mostly taking pictures of the clouds and sky!
3) What do you love most about photography and how does it benefit your life?
This is a tough one, because although I LOVE taking photos of my son, taking photos of food, plates, crockery and ingredients pull at my heart strings. Combine the two and I’m all over it.
I find creative photography is also something I need to delve into to keep me happy. If I can learn something new and create something alternative, it keeps me happy.
4) What three words describe your style?
Golden, cosy, lots of brown!
5) What inspires you in the everyday that you inject into your imagery?
My surroundings filter into my imagery a lot. In the summer, you generally won’t find me indoors taking photos, and the other way round in the winter. It’s very seasonal.
The countryside is something that constantly inspires me, with the changing seasons, nothing stays the same and I’m forever in awe of nature.
Being part of @lenseleven has really inspired me to be more creative, because I forget there are other ways of using the camera. I’ve met some amazing friends and cheerleaders through it too, who keep me going and make me feel like I can do this!
6) What tips would you share to get the best pictures?
Get low, move around, over shoot, and think outside the box!
7) In what capacity will photography feature in your future?
This is my career now! Never in a million years did I think it would be. I started @kentlifephotography in January with the dreaded imposter syndrome sitting on my shoulders, thinking I’ll test the waters and see what comes my way. I honestly didn’t think I’d get booked at all.
It’s been incredible! I’ve been doing family, product and have even got wedding bookings. I feel like this first year is about me finding my feet and seeing what feeds my creativity the most.
*Some of these photos are the first ones I ever took in manual (after doing Start Where You Are) to the more creative ones that I’m doing now. I’ve included a lot of photos that I took during Laura’s courses, as they seem to be “milestone” photos for me and hold happy memories, where my eyes were opened up to something new.
Thanks for picking me as the winner!!
Kim x