Meet Feature Fortnight Winner #06 - Helen Anderson
Oct 04, 2022
For the last month at The Full House Club, we held a photography challenge that all members took part in. The latest theme was THE ELEMENTS (fire, earth, wind and air) and Helen's picture above took home gold! Here's her story...
1) Tell us about you
Hi I’m Helen and I live in Essex with my husband, four children and two dogs.
I studied Art and Design at college, many moons ago specialising in Fashion Design and ending up working for a National Newspaper on the fashion desk as a stylist for five years before starting a family. A bit of freelance work continued until my second child arrived, sadly the big commute and life juggles meant I decided to be a stay-at-home mum, having two more children.
2) What got you into photography?
I've always taken way too many photos mainly of my children on our travels and followed local photographers on Instagram, with a dream of doing something similar. A big health scare and a need to do something creative again, made me pluck up the courage to sign up to 'Start Where You Are,' and finally learn.
3) Has it always been a passion or is it new to your world?
My husband bought me a Canon DSLR two years ago for a trip to the West Coast of America to encourage me to start taking better photos, but it stayed in automatic as I'd never shot in manual before the’ Start Where You Are,’ course….it was all completely alien to me.
4) What do you love most about photography and how does it benefit you?
I love everything about photograph - it's a snapshot of a time, a moment, a person or place, all a memory and this single image can transport you way back! Documenting my time with my family, travels and experiences, capturing as much as I can as they really do grow up fast….there’s a real truth to the, 'days are long but the year’s are short.' My eldest turns 18 this month which I can’t quite believe and my most treasured possessions are the pictures of her growing up over the years.
5) Three words to describe your style...
Creative, Documentary, Storyteller
6) What inspires you in the everyday that you inject into your imagery?
’Start Where You Are,’ and ’Next Level without a doubt made me more aware of what’s around me, opening my eyes to notice the light!
I really enjoyed the experimentation in ‘Next Level,’ a bit of motion blur, using copper rings maybe a throwback to my art college days, probably why I love these ‘Fortnight Challenges!
A lover of lines and reflections, different angles and perspectives, a sucker for a side profile, capturing the essence of a person. With two dogs, being outdoors and discovering new places inspires me to find a little bit of beauty in the everyday.
7) Your tips to take better pictures...
Light, laughter, movement, a bit of a blur, a reflection, framing, leading lines and don’t be afraid to try something new!
I want to continue to learn as much as I can and hope to finally start photographing other families soon. I would love to capture babies and brand photography, maybe some styling and have a website by next year. To work around my children doing a job that I love again, is the ultimate goal.
I’ll be forever grateful to Laura and the Lens Eleven Community for starting me on this journey, her passion and vision to encourage women has energised me to pursue my dream. Whatever happens I will still be picking up my camera. Thank you so much for voting for my picture.
What an amazing, inspiration read. You can find Helen's Instagram page here. Be the first to know about personal projects!