Lens 11 Spring Meet: Whitby & Wildflowers
May 04, 2023
Following on from Edinburgh in January, we decided to stay oop north for our most recent get-together in the wonderful (and a bit wet) Whitby.
After journeying from various corners of the UK, our girl gang gathered, brollies in hand, at Whitby harbour, armed with cameras and LOTS of excitement.
Coffees, teas and chips were in order first thing, after which we moseyed around the streets leading up to the pier, snapping the general Whitby scene, as well as each other.
Then it was on to the highlight of the day; a surprise styled bride & groom shoot with the Wildflower Couple (Insta: @wildflowercouple). Betti and Af could not have been a nicer, more fabulous couple to shoot with – completely ignoring the mizzle and drizzle and even getting changed into a wedding dress under a dry robe (top skills Betti!) After some fannying about with the flowers (me), our Laura was on it, organising our clan into groups and directing shots as we walked along Whitby pier with the lighthouse in the background, snapping as our gorgeous couple posed like the pros they are.
Having shot on the pier (and attracting quite a bit of attention from passers-by) we then moved onto the beach where once again our lovely couple ignored the less than perfect weather, frolicking in the sand and surf. The day was then rounded off with a couple of champagne spray photo opportunities (obviously) and for some of the L11 lasses, a quick dash into the sea for a paddle. Some drinking of the fizz might also have taken place!
We say it every time, but it’s because its true – when these meet ups happen, they are a bit of magic. Friendships are forged, memories made and beautiful photographs created (and in this case, Reels too).
I asked the gang how they’d describe the day – here are a few of the highlights…
“It was a very inspiring, welcoming and ‘no judgments zone’ workshop. It allowed me to try my photography skills without the pressure of a paying client. Being surrounded by likeminded women made it even more supportive and non-competitive”. – Grace
“Bloody tremendous to meet everyone in the real actual flesh. So much good stuff and giggles xxxxx” – Faye
“It was such a brilliant day! I loved meeting so many online friends from the lens11 community after having serious fomo at not being able to attend previous meet ups. Everyone in the group was so warm and welcoming and I agree it felt we were all on a level in a no judgement zone space, having such a giggle too. It was inspiring seeing how everyone else shoots, what caught their eye and I’ve really loved seeing everyone’s work since! The styled shoot and location was actual dreams :)” – Jules
“It was such a brilliant day! Totally echo what everyone else has said - it was just brilliant to spend time with a bunch of people who have the same interest and passion as you, I felt as if I'd known everyone for years! It was so inspiring too and I feel like I learnt so much from being in the company of you all and finding out everyone's different goals and ideas. I think working for yourself you sometimes miss that opportunity to brainstorm ideas and let off steam/share experiences so that was so helpful. I came away from the day feeling a renewed sense of ambition and drive which was just what I needed. Such great value too - I would have easily paid double that just for a day with you all, snapping, chatting and eating but the styled shoot was an excellent bonus!!” – Jaclyn
We’ve had loads of interest in future meet-ups, thank you so much. So we’re not leaving out our sisters-in-the-south, we are heading down to Margate next. Yes Kent, we’re coming for ya! Keep your eyes peeled for the date ladies. And if spending time with a likeminded bunch of women photographers is something you want more of, check out the Lens Eleven Fest planned for July – it’s jam packed with opportunities for fun and portfolio building.