LONDON Full House Meet!
Dec 12, 2022
What started like any other day, soon turned into something truly magical, when many Lens Eleven women came together. On the 18th November, we all met at Kings Cross and it was a miracle we found each other because my Northern directions were pathetic! My Kings Cross knowledge has never extended beyond the train station but I was in for an education, as we headed straight to Coals Drop Yard. We passed lots of Christmas lights and tall, fancy buildings (one of which was Google), and all this seemed unbelievably small against the backdrop of our face to face shrieks!
Image by Lauren Drage
Images by Leanne Hanna
Images by Lettie P
You see, I launched my first online course during Covid, and restrictions were in place for quite some time. Meeting in person wasn't a possibility so we all happily became each other's bubble. We learnt photography together and shared a new, virtual experience - a first for all of us, so although Covid was devastating, it bonded us together and gave us a shared purpose. I've known many of these women for some time but nothing could've prepared me for meeting them - their energy, huge smiles and passion to create was something that bowled me over. I will forever be thankful for these women, for helping me build this community, and for championing one another through every challenge.
Another reminder to appreciate the power of community - it can make anything happen! Here's more wonderful pictures from these fabulous women I now call friends...
Image by Kim Watkins
Images by Leanne Hanna
Image by Lettie P
Real connections and friendships have been forged (just look at this hug), to celebrate the highs and provide support when the going gets tough. A sense of belonging is so important and certainly something that's a priority within Lens Eleven. For so long, I didn't feel like I belonged, and I didn't want other women to feel like this, so I started to teach photography to encourage inner positivity and perhaps help others see there were many paths available to them. To see the community I've built come to life in person, was honestly an our of body experience. The high from the day lasted for so long afterwards, and was a huge reminder to me, to keep pushing through scary things because the rewards are always huge.
Image by Leanne Hanna
Image by Cara Conquest
Image by Lauren Drage
Image by Leanne Hanna
Image by Lauren Drage
Image by Cara Conquest
Image by Lettie P
Images by Catherine Smith
Image by Kim Watkins
Image by Lauren Drage
Final image by Becky Wood
On the 27th January, Full House Members are meeting in Edinburgh. If you're not yet a member and would like to join us, more details are here.
Love Laura x